其實開發本身就係要廢棄 x% 機率減 y% 傷害, 你見4轉同6轉弓都cut左就知佢地就係要咁, 所以要拎buff疊加完之後特別 OP 既獨翼黎開刀根本唔意外
另外MP盾本身就係佢地出10轉果陣, 講到明就係整到10轉咒5lv MP盾黎做試驗, 試過效果理想既話就全部改5lv, 根本唔到一班港豬嘈幾聲就可以力挽狂瀾
Changed the following buffs to be effect level 5: Mana Shield, Ghost Guard, Mana Transfusion, Magma Shield, Water Bubble, Spellbook Scholar.
As part of our balancing efforts, we've decided to set almost all Mana Shields to buff level 5. We had already tested this change with the introduction of the orc specialist cards, and overall the results were very promising. We hope that this change enables mages to have overall more fair encounters. However, the Seer Mana Shield was not included in this. This is because we believe that it's still too powerful in its current state. Additionally, the Seer has an easy way to renew their own shield even after it's been removed as well as additional buffs that protect them. So we plan to change the Mana Shield for mages once their skills are adjusted as part of our ongoing balancing efforts. Partner Specialist Perti's companion buff has been adjusted. It instead grants a percentage-based damage reduction which now scales with the skill levels of your partner.
https://board.en.nostale.gamefor ... tenance-27-10-2021/