本帖最後由 634 於 2021-10-21 15:23 編輯
https://store.steampowered.com/n ... 3006707568693824983
Here’s your chance to pick up a bouncy 14th Anniversary Kangaroo! Simply collect it for free from the NosMall from Monday 18th onwards. If you prefer a mount that packs a punch, then pick up a Boxer Kangaroo Random Box which may contain a 14th Anniversary Boxer Kangaroo. If you don’t manage to find this antipodean pugilist after purchasing 30 boxes, you’ll get the exclusive mount together with the 30th box guaranteed.
這是您撿到一隻充滿活力的 14 週年紀念袋鼠的機會! 只需從 18 日星期一開始從 NosMall 免費領取即可。 如果您更喜歡具有衝擊力的坐騎,則可以選擇 Boxer Kangaroo 隨機盒,其中可能包含 14 週年 Boxer Kangaroo。 如果您在購買 30 盒後仍未找到這位對立拳手,您將獲得獨家坐騎以及第 30 盒保證。
Google Translate 都譯唔到個登入 30 日喎
人哋係話, 垃圾版喺商城免費拎, 課金版係30個箱都抽唔中嘅話保底送喎