本帖最後由 官方小雲 於 2024-3-5 18:51 編輯 634 發表於 2024-3-5 15:32 精靈開放110%, 開發Set一定要打Act9, 就係想玩家慢慢升, 而且唔可以掛. 你覺得無人機升得慢,只係因為港版要求開發「佩拉諾」加上限到110%。 多謝你整理既資料, 我承認我低估了30級所需的經驗值. 「無人機」降到起始50%,換開放「佩拉諾」110%,我認為合理。 |
官方小雲 發表於 2023-12-19 14:00 升完4隻佩拉諾 然後認真計一計條數 分享一下 50->80: 385,665 80->90: 215,955 所以50升到80係差唔多夠升兩次80->90 另外 80->110 要 814,965 實測打豆速度大概可以去到340/min 開埋精靈水的話即係大概20小時掛豆就可以升完一隻80->110 相比起無人機要係act9打120萬隻怪 真係唔知係乜概念 |
官方小雲 發表於 2023-12-19 14:00 小雲 想問下 "50升到80所需既經驗值, 都唔夠你80升90" 係用咩經驗值去計出黎? 玩家無用到任何AW加成去升? 定係純數據上無計任何玩家有加成既時候去就咁乘除計出黎? |
封左卡王都夠on9仲要加強 |
Most Giant Pollutus raid has been balanced: Basic attack range has been increased. Players who are caught by the Vine Coiling skill will be teleported once to a random position of the map. The Polluted Water Prison attack will pull players closer to the boss. The Polluted Water Prison debuff will affect half of the party members, chosen randomly. Vine Coiling and Polluted Water Prison attacks can no longer be avoided with the shell effect "Resists all bad effects with a X% chance". Parts of Pollutus will spawn in random positions on the map. Parts of Pollutus can no longer be hit by AoE attacks. 大家享受最後一星期 就好轉去打巨型武裝 e個時候吹噓外國服嘅人就會失蹤 睇下你地服zenas erenia fernon幾時步laurena後塵 |
股票王 發表於 2023-12-24 21:52 廢到一粒鐘得 3% 就唔好打啦 畀啲心機搞好裝卡先啦 垃圾80裝 冇雙經下最少都一粒鐘6%啦 正常裝都8%一粒鐘 |
d怪平均150抗你套80裝先扣6065,90裝先扣7075 都唔明點諗架怪又痛無獨翼被打到狗叫咁 |
小雲 改一改死左唔扣經好喎 ACT9怪小經到可憐 打一個鐘都唔知有無3% 死一死就白打成粒鐘 |
想問下小雲會唔會有AW80~90既生存之地 |
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