
標題: 各種傳奇寶石鑲嵌資料 [打印本頁]

作者: 青怡    時間: 2022-6-2 19:11
標題: 各種傳奇寶石鑲嵌資料
‧Increases Resonance by 30
‧+12 Combat Rating
‧Your Primary Attacks and movement slowly charge you up with electricity. When fully-charged, your next Primary Attack will release chain lightning, dealing 90% base damage + 1,134 to nearby enemies. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 10%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Increases all damage you deal by 3% for 3 seconds after calling chain lightning.(Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧你的主要攻擊和移動緩慢地為你充電。 充滿電後,你的下一次主要攻擊會釋放連鎖閃電,對附近的敵人造成 90% 基礎傷害 + 1,134 傷害。 每 20 秒出現一次的頻率不能超過一次。
‧增加10%找到魔法物品的機會。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧召喚連鎖閃電後3秒內造成的所有傷害提高3%。(等級3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 30
‧+12 Combat Rating
Power and Command alternates states every 9 seconds. Power increases your Primary Attack damage by 8%. Command increases all other skill damage by 8%.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by10%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧You have a 7.5% chance to dispel a negative effect on you each time Power and Command states alternate. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧力量和指揮每 9 秒交替一次狀態。 力量使你的主要攻擊傷害提高 8%。 指揮使所有其他技能傷害提高 8%。
‧增加10%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧每次力量和指揮狀態交替時,你有7.5%的機率驅散對你的負面影響。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 30
‧+12 Combat Rating
‧Heal 40% base damage + 567 Life each time you defeat an enemy. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds. Increases chance to find Magic Items by 10%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Increases your attack speed by 4% for 3 seconds after defeating an enemy.(Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧每次擊敗敵人時,治療 40% 基礎傷害 + 567 生命。 每 20 秒出現一次的頻率不能超過一次。
‧增加10%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 30
‧+12 Combat Rating
‧Decreases all melee damage you take by 8.00% from enemies within 3 yards.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 10%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧You move unhindered through enemies while your Life is below 15%. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧增加10%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧你的生命值低於15%時,你可以不受阻礙地穿過敵人。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 30
‧+12 Combat Rating
‧Increases all damage you deal by 1.00% for each summon you control, up to a maximum increase of 6%.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 10%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Decreases all damage taken by your summons by 1.5%. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧增加10%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧減少召喚物受到的所有傷害1.5%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 30
‧+12 Combat Rating
‧Increases all damage you deal by 2.00% for every 2 yards between you and the enemy hit. Maximum increase of 8% at 8 yards.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 10%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Your attacks have a 0.3% chance to decrease enemy attack and movement speeds by 35% for 3 seconds. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧你與被擊中的敵人之間每2碼使你造成的所有傷害提高2.00%。 在 8 碼處最大增加 8%。
‧增加10%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧你的攻擊有0.3%的機率使敵人的攻擊和移動速度降低35%,持續3秒。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 30
‧+12 Combat Rating
‧You and all party members take 0.50% reduced damage per additional party member within 6 yards of you.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 10%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Each nearby party member increasesdamage done by all party members by 0.3%. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧增加10%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧附近每一名隊員增加所有隊員造成的傷害0.3%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 30
‧+12 Combat Rating
‧Gain 8.00% increased Critical Hit Chance when attacking from behind.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 10%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Deal 1% increased damage when attacking from behind. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧增加10%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧從背後攻擊時增加1%的傷害。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧Each time you are attacked, you have a 10% chance to summon vines that Immobilize the attacker for 1.10 seconds. Each enemy cannot be affected by this more often than once every 20 seconds.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Chance to summon vines increased to 13.5%. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧每次受到攻擊,有10%的機率召喚藤蔓,使攻擊者無法動彈,持續1.10秒。 每個敵人受此影響的頻率不能超過每 20 秒一次。
‧增加10%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧召喚藤蔓的機率提升至13.5%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧You have a 10% chance when you defeat an enemy to cause other nearby enemies to flee in fear for 0.80 seconds. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Increases all damage you deal to targets afflicted with Fear by 2%. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧你在擊敗敵人時有10%的機率使附近的其他敵人恐懼逃跑0.80秒。 每 20 秒出現一次的頻率不能超過一次。
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧增加你對受到恐懼影響的目標造成的所有傷害2%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧Increases all damage you deal by 5.50%, but also increases all damage you take by 6%.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Critical Hit Chance increased by 0.5%.(Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧You deal 5.50% increased damage to enemies suffering loss of control.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Decreases all damage you take by 1% while suffering loss of control of your character. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧在失去對角色的控制時,減少你受到的所有傷害1%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧Decreases all damage you take by 0.55% for every 10% your Life is below maximum, up to a maximum damage decrease of 5.5%.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Gain 1.5% increased Armor while your Life is below 50%. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧生命低於50%時,護甲增加1.5%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧Increases the speed of your Primary Attack by 5.50%.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Primary Attack damage increased by 0.5%. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧主要攻擊傷害增加0.5%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧Increases the duration of your Ultimate Skills by 16.00%.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Increases damage done by your Ultimate Skills by 1.5%. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧增加你的終極技能造成的傷害1.5%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧Your critical hits inflict agony, dealing 10% base damage + 122 every second for 6 seconds. Each enemy cannot be affected by this more often than once every 20 seconds.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Increases your attack speed by 1.5% for each nearby enemy afflicted with agony. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧你的重擊造成痛苦,每秒造成10%基礎傷害+122,持續6秒。 每個敵人受此影響的頻率不能超過每 20 秒一次。
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧附近每有一個受到痛苦折磨的敵人,使你的攻擊速度提高1.5%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧Each time you Block an attack, you deal 64% base damage + 777 to all nearby enemies. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Decreases all damage you take by 1.5% for 3 seconds after Blocking. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧每次格擋攻擊,對附近所有敵人造成64%基礎傷害+777。 每 20 秒出現一次的頻率不能超過一次。
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧格擋後3秒內受到的所有傷害減少1.5%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧Increases the duration of your summons by 8.00%.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Increases the damage of your summons by 0.75% (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧Increases damage done by your attacks by 1.50% per target hit, up to a maximum of 4.5% with 3 targets.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Chained Death bonus damage increases to a maximum of 4 targets. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧連鎖死亡的額外傷害增加到最多4個目標。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧Your Primary Attack forces non-Elite monsters it hits to attack you for 2.00 seconds.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Decrease all damage you take by 2% from monsters affected by Mocking Laughter. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧受到嘲諷之笑影響的怪物對你造成的所有傷害減少2%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧Gain 6.00% increased damage for 60 seconds after killing an Elite monster.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧Increases all damage you deal to Elite monsters by 1%. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧對精英魔物造成的所有傷害增加1%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

‧Increases Resonance by 15
‧+8 Combat Rating
‧Your Channeled skills consume energy 8.00% slower.
‧Increases chance to find Magic Items by 5%. (Unlocks at Rank 5)
‧IDecrease all damage you take by 0.5% while using a Channel skill. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
‧+8 戰鬥等級
‧增加5%的魔法道具掉落率。 (等級 5 解鎖)
‧I使用引導技能時受到的所有傷害降低0.5%。 (等級 3 解鎖)

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